
Published : 02/08/2016 13:38:01
Categories : 4:20 Wiki

Vaporizer is a special device for smoking herbs and other substances in a different way. It is used to vaporize the active ingredients from plant material, mainly cannabis or tobacco. Vaporization is a new trend between smokers and is much healthier and smoother than classic herb smoking. Vaporizing is also more efficient than smoking, because less THC is destroyed.

How does the vaporizer work?

Any smoking substances in an oil or wax form are put in a special concentrate pipe or a dab rig and heated with a flame underneath. Vaporizers heat smoking substances to a specific temperature and don´t burn them. Once there is sufficient vapour, you start to inhale it. Even though you get smoother and cleaner hits, its not good to hold it in lungs for too long.

Types of a vaporizers

It is possible to choose either desktop or portable vaporizers. Portable vaporizers provide two ways of extracting the active ingredients from the plants.
1) conduction - the plant is heated up by getting into contact with something what is already hot. Negative side of this method is that only part of the smoking substances gets hot so its not really very effective.
2) convection - hot air is blown over the plant so this method is much more effective

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