Free gift with every order

Published : 01/26/2023 15:16:54
Categories : Product news

A free gift with your order? How does that sound? Great! Don't you think? As we really appreciate your purchase in our online smoke shop, we would like to reward you with something that every smoker finds useful. Each customer gets set of 5 metal pipe screens with his/her order for free. Screens are made of soft metal and easily fit our smoking pipes, chillums, bubblers or bongs.

Pipe screens

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04/11/2016 14:01:10

You can make a note about the color in your order form.


04/11/2016 14:00:31

Thank you very much. :-)


04/03/2016 18:26:53

I ordered from you when you first got started, I was pleased to see you still in business and that your site has grown.You are craftsman, very very nice work. Good luck in the future.

Renee Catanzaro

04/03/2016 00:45:50

Blue if possible please.

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