Recreational drug use

Published : 02/08/2016 14:27:13
Categories : 4:20 Wiki

Recreational drug use is the use of psychoactive drugs for recreational purposes rather than for work, medical or spiritual purposes. It basically means that its used for enjoyment. Usually young people start using recreational drugs for fun and relaxation. They are happy, feel free and do things they usually wouldn´t do as usual. However, using recreational drugs can lead to drug addiction.

What belongs to recreational/psychoactive drugs

Commonly used alcohol, tobacco or caffeine are also considered as psychoactive drugs, but talking about recreational drugs we mean usually prohibited drugs like cannabis, amfetamins, ecstasy, LSD, cocaine, heroin and others. Some of these psychoactive drugs might be allowed in some countries only for personal use /very small ammount/ but they are usually strongly prohibited. In some countries you can even end up in jail for life sentence.


Negative sides of using recreational drugs

Using recereational drugs can change consciousness, mood, and thoughts and can lead to inappropriate behaviour. It all starts with addiction to recreational drugs which can relate with other negative things like thefts /need for money/, infections /hepatities, HIV/, social and mental problems, overdose /death/.

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