
Published : 02/08/2016 13:52:53
Categories : 4:20 Wiki

Knifers or knife hits are a method of smoking marijuana. It is sometimes also called Spots or spotting. It is used mostly in New Zealand. This method involves heating up two flat surfaces, usually glass knives. The bud is then put between the knives, pressed and this causes the marijuana to either vaporize or burn instantly. Knifer brings greater health risk than any other smoking method. Spotting cannabis is very harmful to the lungs cause the smoke comes at very high temperature.

Knifers and vaporization effect

Some smokers want to try this cheap and fast form of vaporization effect. It is possible to buy the set of glass knives and depending on the stove temperature, slight vaporization effect might be achieved. Anyway, this method can not compare to even the cheapest vaporizer.

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